Embrace The Work

Being successful in Kung Fu and Tai Chi isn’t a walk in the park- it demands dedicated effort. Some would say it’s “hard work”? Anyone claiming otherwise falls into one of two categories: They’re liars. They profit by convincing you it’s effortless. Success requires work. The kind of work, whom you collaborate with, how, and […]

Understanding Flexibility vs. Mobility

Let’s talk about Flexibility vs. Mobility. Understanding the difference can greatly enhance your training and overall performance in Kung Fu and Tai Chi.  Passive Flexibility: This refers to your body’s range of motion when an external force is applied, such as gravity or assistance from a prop like a strap for stretching your hamstrings.  Active […]

Question To Ask Yourself Everyday

Ever find yourself pondering the path of your martial arts journey or, more broadly, your life journey?  It’s a common reflection, and the key is not just knowing what you want, but in understanding how to get there.  The crucial question isn’t about the “how” every day. To be your best self now, and to […]

What Crossroads Are You At?

At life’s crossroads, choices emerge. Picture this: a moment where the path ahead diverges, and you stand there contemplating.  Do you choose the familiar, or venture into the unknown?  Take a breath, and let’s explore the crossroads you’re facing right now.  This could be a whisper of possibility, a pull towards something new.  On the […]

Some Thoughts That Might Be Useful

I’ve put together some thoughts that might be useful. If you’re not progressing at a rate you are happy with, I’d encourage you to take these thoughts to heart.  (AND THERE I WAS MAINLY SPEAKING TO MYSELF!) Now, invariably, when I write things like this, I get replies saying ‘Were you talking about me?’ No, […]

How Champions Embrace Stumbles & Smash Goals

Want to achieve something extraordinary in your martial arts and fitness journey? Buckle up, because the road to excellence is paved with setbacks. Forget instant wins – embracing frustration and learning from defeats is what separates champions from the rest. Here are some tips: Show up. Do the work. Repeat. Blue-collar hustle meets unwavering will. […]

Info Filter

Do you ever feel overloaded with information? If you enjoy reading 20 articles a day about fitness, nutrition and martial arts, have the time to train a couple of hours a day, and are already in the best shape you can possibly be in, then this message is probably not for you. I would love […]

The Truth About Losing Belly Fat

We’ve all seen magazine and internet articles with titles like this: “The 5-Second Flat Belly Trick!” Or: “6 Days to a Six-Pack!” But here’s the truth  Belly fat isn’t eradicated quickly, nor is being “totally shredded” always the most productive health goal. However… Some types of belly fat are associated with health risks. Visceral fat—that’s […]

That Class Was Easy?

One of the most frustrating things an intermediate or advanced student can say at the end of a class is, “That class was easy!” An advanced student understands positioning, leverage, tension, and intention. They can make a beginner or basic class very challenging, or they can make a very challenging class manageable, based on what […]

Off The Wagon Real Talk

What if we treated “off the wagon” periods as a natural and normal part of the entire experience of change and growth?  When speaking to potential students, few things motivate healthier choices better than waking up with meat sweats, heartburn, a hangover, or general discomfort when moving around…. If the past few years have taught […]

What Training Should Do

Quick message for you today on the Control Your Health Strength Training Philosophy.  Here are the ABCs of strength training as I see it.  A: Prevent injury through awareness and safety.  Kind of a no brainer, but just because something looks cool doesn’t mean it’s what is good for you. The right fitness program should […]

Tip of The Week: Slow Eating

I’m a big believer that slow and mindful eating is one of the MASTER SKILLS for fat loss. Because the goal is to eat a sufficient amount to be reasonably comfortable, but not more than that. This week I wanted to share some recent research published in Appetite on how what you hear while you […]

Can I Get A Spell Check Please?

Seriously!? Again!? That is my internal response when my wife finds grammatical errors in my weekly emails. Comments usually (and maybe too often) go something like this….  “Oh… oops! You wrote there instead of there are. Huh?” I proceed to take a deep breath and forgive myself.  Because it’s ok to make mis-steaks (that was […]

Sloth and Gluttony

I’m going to “attempt” to summarize a message from a mentor (and frequent Sifu Mimi Chan Show Podcast Guest) Coach Dan John about sloth and gluttony.  It appealed to my Catholic childhood.  It goes like this… sort of: We get fat (insert: “out of shape” because I know some are sensitive to the F word) […]

Tip of the Week: You Are the Solution

Anyone else get a ton of email marketing ads? As I was thinking about my shortcomings, I realized there is no shortage of information bombarding me! So the most appealing services, methods, and products are the ones that promise a specific solution. This service provides comfort and makes us believe that whoever is providing the […]

The Simplest Way to Eat Better

Hello Friend, I get a lot of questions about nutrition and notice that most people worry about the little details: “Are potatoes fattening?” “If I don’t drink a protein shake after my workout, is it even worth exercising?” “Is keto really the best way to lose weight? Or should I be doing Paleo? Or what […]

Test Prep

Every 3 years all Wah Lum instructors take the Sifu test, even if they have previously certified.  Why?  Standards.  In order to maintain the highest standards and quality of instruction, we are all required to test in front of Grandmaster Chan and our peers.  Yes, even I have to test!  This weekend, my kung fu brothers and […]


I can’t remember the last time I sat down to do a real puzzle. Not a 10-piece puzzle with a toddler while babysitting, but a real puzzle. Tina doesn’t have too many activities on board, so I thought she might enjoy doing a puzzle or playing a board game. She went to the shelf of […]