Off The Wagon Real Talk
What if we treated “off the wagon” periods as a natural and normal part of the entire experience of change and growth?
When speaking to potential students, few things motivate healthier choices better than waking up with meat sweats, heartburn, a hangover, or general discomfort when moving around….
If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that our health is one of our most prized possessions.
But that doesn’t mean that getting or staying healthy is easy.
The good news?
Reaching your pressure point can sometimes be what you need to get started… again.
People always think that I spend most days working out, but as of today, I’ve gone almost 2 weeks without deliberate Kung Fu practice or a strength training session.
And that’s ok. This is just the natural and normal part of my health journey. As soon as I hit send, I’m going to get a 15-minute session of mindful movement practice in.
If you get a chance, reply with what made you decide to join Wah Lum.
My mom made me do it is a valid answer.
Sifu Oscar
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.
1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi? First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: for an appointment.
2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching. Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals.
Email: for info.