Control Corner 2 from Sifu Oscar: Discipline Breeds Creativity

Welcome to the Control Corner, your weekly dose of wisdom on mastering control in martial arts, health, and life. At Wah Lum, the flipped Chinese character for ‘Fire’ represents control—an idea central to everything we do. 

Let’s explore how focusing on what matters can help you reach your full potential.

Essentials: French novelist Gustave Flaubert once said, “Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.” His message highlights the power of discipline in personal life to unlock creativity and innovation in other areas.

Why it matters: Stability in your personal life – whether through routine, relationships, or self-discipline – frees you to be bold and daring in other areas. In your martial arts training, controlling the basics, you eliminate distractions and unnecessary complications, creating space for creativity and growth.

What’s Next: This week, focus on bringing order to your personal life. Simplify where you can, and watch how it frees up energy for your martial arts journey!


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.

1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi?  First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: for an appointment.

2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching.  Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals. Email: for info.

New blog post series: Control from Sifu Oscar – at the heart of Wah Lum

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Control Corner, where we explore the art of control – whether in martial arts, health, or life. At Wah Lum, the Chinese Character for “Fire” is flipped upside down to symbolize Control, a philosophy also woven into the Control Your Health logo. 

Each week, we’ll share insights to help you focus on what matters and unlock your full potential. Enjoy!

Essentials: In this section, we’ll explore the concept of Control. At Wah Lum, the Chinese character for “Fire” is flipped upside down to symbolize Control. The symbol is also used in the Control Your Health logo, honoring the deep-rooted philosophy passed down from Grandmaster Chan. Check out Sifu Mimi explaining a little bit more about Wah Lum Philosophy HERE

Why it matters: Control begins with self-awareness – understanding what’s truly important to you. While you can’t control everything, you can focus on the things within your reach, like your health and martial arts practice.

What’s Next: Stay tuned for more insights on Control in our weekly blog. For now, start your week by reflecting on what truly matters to you!


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.

1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi?  First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: for an appointment.

2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching.  Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals. Email: for info.

How to Get Motivated Again

Ever thought, “I wish I could do better, but eating healthy and exercising can feel so overwhelming”?

Here’s a gentle and effective way to get moving: the 5-minute action.

There’s nothing special about 5 minutes. It could be 10 seconds, 1 minute, or 10 minutes. The key is that it’s:

  • It’s an action: Something you do.
  • Very small: Easy and simple.
  • Direction-oriented: Moves you towards your goal.
  • An easy win: Boosts your confidence 


How to do it

Pick an action that might have a positive impact on health and well-being right now.

For example:

  • Cut up some carrots for a later snack. (have energy for Kung Fu or Tai Chi class!)
  • Do five minutes of foam rolling. (be ready and mobile for Kung Fu or Tai Chi class!)
  • Slowly enjoy a mug of tea.

To support a larger goal, commit to a daily small action. For instance, if you want to eat more home cooked-meals:

  • Make a grocery list.
  • Look up recipes.
  • Chop some vegetables.

The Secret to Motivation

Here’s the secret: action drives motivation, not the other way around. When you take small steps to improve your circumstances, it inspires you to do more.

Stop waiting to get motivated. Start creating your own motivation with a small step today.

Sifu Oscar


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.

1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi?  First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: for an appointment.

2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching.  Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals.
Email: for info.

That Class Was Easy?

One of the most frustrating things an intermediate or advanced student can say at the end of a class is, “That class was easy!”

An advanced student understands positioning, leverage, tension, and intention.

They can make a beginner or basic class very challenging, or they can make a very challenging class manageable, based on what they’re feeling that day.

Advanced (or challenging) doesn’t have to mean advanced material. It can simply mean making a particular exercise more difficult.

Learning to manage inner tension, intensity, and intention is a master skill that will serve you well in your martial arts journey.

Realize that those skills are in your hands, but you don’t and shouldn’t work maximally every time you train.

Sometimes your body is going to need a class that just makes you feel good.

This is okay!

In fact, I think it’s good to train this way regularly and consistently. But don’t expect drastic body changes that way.

You are going to have to push yourself sometimes.

Intensity drives adaptation. Intensity is your choice, and difficulty is scalable to your skill level.

If you leave class bragging that it was too easy, just realize that you haven’t built the skills yet to make it challenging.

End rant!

I do love hearing from you, so let me know about the last class you did that was challenging!

Sifu Oscar


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.

1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi?  First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: for an appointment.

2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching.  Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals.
Email: for info.