Podcasts, blogs, and media
I’ve been thinking about media a lot lately. Especially after starting this blog and Culture Chat Podcast, NOW the Sifu Mimi Chan ShowAnyone who knows me knows that I have always been opposed to ‘social media’. I miss the intimacy of getting a personal call from a friend with big news, instead of an announcement on Facebook. I appreciate the personal touch of a hand written postcard, versus an email, although don’t get me wrong, I love email! I am still reluctant to completely embrace social media, but see it as a necessity. I have been slowly adapting to the changes of the way the majority receives information and have tried to see the positive in this inevitable change. (hence @sifumimichan on twitter and instagram!)
Over the Sifu Test weekend, my social media consultant Lei Ann R. (aka @leiannoffduty), told me something that resonated and helped me open my mind even more. Instead of seeing it as a chore of hoping to get more viewers, likes, or comments; I should just enjoy documenting the journey and capturing the moments. For example over the weekend, sharing on Instagram our moments of laughter, pain, or serious kung fu work.
I am grateful for the feedback I have received in regards to this blog, and I have truly enjoyed my conversations on Culture Chat. The main reason I started the podcast was to find another creative outlet, share others’ stories, and connect with old friends. I wanted to subtitle the podcast ‘the most interesting people you never heard of’. I’ve discovered that everyone has an interesting story to tell, and that we can all learn from each other… or just simply be entertained by true stories.
So instead of seeing it as a chore, podcasting has been something I really look forward to doing. Maybe I’ve found my favorite media outlet. I will also begrudgingly admit I used to make fun of husband, O, for constantly listening to podcasts all day every day. Now, I am an avid listener and a podcaster myself! (In case you are interested, some of my favorites: The Tim Ferris Show, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History)
I’ve enjoyed talking to my friends on Skype or in person, and sharing it through the podcast. The best of both worlds! I’ve been able to reconnect in a traditional way via a modern method. There is a time and place for all the media madness, but I still love direct communication, and don’t think it will be a lost medium. Especially since we are now finding ways to combine the best of both worlds. I spoke to 3 friends this week that I haven’t spoken to in years! Maybe we email here and there or text, but an actual conversation? It’s been forever! Using the podcast to reconnect has been a fun and fulfilling experience, and I am really enjoying it. I am not spending all my time thinking about likes, and ratings (although it does help to have an audience… so please rate and like it! 😉 … instead just reconnecting with friends and having great conversations, while sharing these interesting stories with others.
While I still think social media can be a distraction, I am learning to see how it can connect us in a new way. In short, I try to use it for good, and not evil.
Check out my podcast if you like this blog – you’ll meet some really interesting people from all around the globe.
haha, thanks for the SO! keep documenting & enjoying the experience…i’ve def been loving your posts/podcasts!
Thank you! I’m learning from the best 😉