Principles of Transformative Health
Here are some foundational principles on achieving your health goals.
Whether you’re focused on building lean muscle or fat loss, these principles apply to anyone striving for a healthier lifestyle.
Principle 1: Create A Caloric Deficit
Successful diets often revolve around this principle, which involves consuming fewer calories that your body burns. If you need to gain weight, then you need a caloric surplus by consuming more calories than your body burns, thereby providing the necessary energy for muscle growth and overall weight gain.
Principle 2: Positive Nitrogen Balance
Increase your protein intake to maintain muscle mass while achieving your fitness goals.
Principle 3: Anabolic Signaling
A fancy term that basically means you engage in resistance training to signal your body to maintain and build muscle.
It’s as simple as that! These three principles lay the groundwork for your journey towards a healthier you.
In the short video below, I delve deeper into the importance of these 3 principles.
I believe you’ll find the insights valuable for your health journey. Take amount to watch it here:
If you have any questions or need further clarification on anything discussed, feel free to reach out.
Sifu Oscar
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.
1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi? First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: kungfu@wahlum.com for an appointment.
2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching. Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals. Email: kungfu@wahlum.com for info.