Some Thoughts That Might Be Useful
I’ve put together some thoughts that might be useful.
If you’re not progressing at a rate you are happy with, I’d encourage you to take these thoughts to heart.
Now, invariably, when I write things like this, I get replies saying ‘Were you talking about me?’
No, and yes.
It’s not specifically about anyone…but it’s about you if it’s about you:)
Here goes…
You are not what you say or think, you are what you do. As a person, martial artist, or fitness enthusiast, your success is 100% dictated by your actions and their results.
The simplest way to be great is just to be consistently good. Small steps day after day, week after week, are the surest path to success.
What you believe is what you settle for. If you believe things won’t work or that things are always hard…they are.
Your ideas and knowledge are worth nothing without consistent execution. You know what you need to know and have access to the coaching, tools, and resources you need…but what you do with them is 100% on you.
Said differently, Consuming information won’t make you successful, applying it will.
Success is choosing between what you want now and what you want most. How you spend each day will tell you what you’re choosing.
OK – that’s my collection of bonus thoughts. Maybe they’re helpful. Perhaps they’re not relevant or you’re not ready to hear them.
Either way…they’re true:)
Sifu Oscar
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help you get started.
1. Schedule a time to observe a class.
Interested in Kung Fu or Tai Chi? First step is to watch a class and see if we would be a good fit! Email: for an appointment.
2. Become part of my exclusive Coaching Group with CYH Remote Coaching. Get personalized coaching delivered right to your phone and catered to your specific goals. Email: for info.